Parent Resources » Parent Pledge

Parent Pledge

The responsibility of education is a collaborative effort that links students, parents, educators,
and communithy working together to create an atmosphere for success. We must all work
together as partners to create an atmosphere as we strive for success. We must do whatever it
takes to ensure students are provided with a challenging and enriched standards-based
Understanding that WPACS is a charter school, a school of choice, I have read and PLEDGE to the responsibilities of the following on behalf of my student:
  • I will support the mission of WPACS, by donating my time, efforts or resources according to the school’s suggested volunteer time of 40 hours per year, with a combined maximum of 50 hours per year if two or more students are attending. I understand the school’s commitment to prepare meaningful parental involvement opportunities that will help the school accomplish its mission for students.
  • I will recognize and embrace my role as having primary responsibility for the education and behavior management of my child.
  • I will attend ALL parent/teacher conferences, parent orientation and any additional meetings which will support my child’s academic success.
  • I will make every effort to communicate with school staff, as required to ensure my child’s success at WPACS.
  • I will provide transportation to and from school for my child, ensuring that my child arrives on time daily to help them achieve excellent attendance.
  • If my child has inconsistent attendance, I understand that for the benefit of their education, he/she may be required to attend a school that is more accessible.
  • I will ensure that my child abides by the guidelines set forth in the Dress Code.
  • Be responsible for timely payment of any fees accrued to my child’s lunch account.
  • Assume financial responsibility for lost or damaged textbooks.
  • Encourage my child to abide by the WPACS Code of Conduct and exemplify their best behavior at all times.
  • I will ensure that my child treats students and staff members with kindness and respect.
  • I will respect staff members and commit to resolving conflict with said persons individually.
  • If a resolution is not found, I will report my concerns to the Principal.
  • I will read and use information sent home regarding academic topics to be introduced and studied in the classroom.
  • Provide a suitable time and place within my home for my child to complete their homework.
  • Check my child’s homework folder, sign their agenda every evening and ensure the homework is completed daily.
  • Allow for a minimum of 30 minutes of reading daily.
  • Limit television and video games during the week and allow a minimum of 30 minutes for reading in addition to studying and family time.