Ms. Allison Gorman » 4th Grade Norms

4th Grade Norms

Greetings All Parents

It is very important to check your child's Google Classroom, Weekly Remote Learning Plans, Newsletters, and Class Dojo for all updates. 



In Reading, students MUST have the following in order to earn credit:

  1. Label paragraphs
  2. Write summaries for each paragraph/chapter
  3. Use "fix-up" strategies when you don't understand
  4. Circle or highlight unknown words
  5. Identify important parts in a question (what Selection to look at, what is the question asking you to find)
  6. Highlight the answer/support in the text
  7. Label where you found your answer in the text
  8. Justify why answer choices are correct or incorrect
**Sticky notes are a great way to annotate and make notes without marking any pages



  1. Vocabulary: highlight the context in which the vocabulary word is being used.  If not associated with a text, write the definition in your own words before answering.
  2. Spelling: Correct the spelling error in the problem, then choose an answer
  3. Grammar: Always write in complete sentences. Identify grammar errors and make corrections. 



  1. Persevere through and be precise in calculations (some problems require more than one step or operation)
  2. Draw a model/diagram to show your work
  3. Check your work with an appropriate strategy
  4. Be able to justify why your answer is correct, supported by model/diagram




Be Respectful- Students must be respectful to teacher, staff, and other classmates. This should be evident in their language and their actions.

Be Responsible-Students are responsible for their work, their actions, and their belongings.

Be Obedient-Students are required to follow all directions from all staff the first time given.

Be Polite-Good manners are taught and expected when in school.

Be on Task - Students are expected to listen carefully during instruction, raise their hands and wait to be called on to share their ideas, work quietly during independent work, work cooperatively when in groups, and complete notes and assignments on time.


Behavior Progress Report

Every week students will receive a Class Dojo Behavior Report to report student’s classroom behavior. Parents are asked to go over the report with their child to track their growth. 



Positive praise

Positive note

Random surprises 

Class Zoom Parties


Consequences/ See Parent Handbook for Discipline Procedures

1st Offense-Warning

2nd Offense-Loss of Privilege

3rd Offense-Parent Contact and Loss of Privilege/Reward Activity

4th Offense- Parent/ Teacher Conference

5th Offense-Director of Students Conference (possible suspension)