Learning » ELPAC


State and federal law require that public charter schools administer a state test of English language proficiency (ELP) to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve. More importantly, at Wilder's Prep we believe in a culturally and linguistically responsive education that honors the language proficiencies in the home and the school setting. To this end, we want to ensure that we validate and affirm students' primary languages while making sure that eligible students are acquiring English language proficiency at a rate that will strengthen their academic success. 

The ELPAC is aligned to the California English Language Development Standards as a way to move English Learners toward attainment of the English Language Arts (ELA) Standards. It consists of two separate ELP assessments: one for the initial identification of students as English learners (ELs), and a second for the annual summative assessment to measure a student’s progress in learning English and to identify the student's English Languyage Proficiency (ELP) level.
Below are links to help parents better understand ELPAC:
California Department of Education (2018). English Language Proficiency Assessment for Califorina (ELPAC). Retrived from https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ep/