Ms. Jacqueline Savage » Expectations and Grading

Expectations and Grading

Rules and Expectations

Student Standards: 

  1.  Be on time and be prepared to learn
  2.  Raise my hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking or moving in class
  3.  Begin the do now question immediately 
  4.  Strive to achieve mastery
  5.  Wilder’s pride means respect for people, property, and the ideas of others


Cell Phone Policy:  All cell phones must be turned off.


Classroom Absence and Tardy Policy:

  1.  If a student is absent, they are required to make-up any work that they missed.  It is the student’s responsibility to see Ms. Savage, a peer.
  2.  Students are expected to come to class on time .   


Bathroom policy ( when in school) :

  1.  Must stay in class first ten and last ten minutes of class unless it’s an emergency.
  2.  Must stay in class during the entire instructional time unless it’s an emergency.


Homework:  Homework should be turned in on time when due.  

Late work turned in after 5 days past the due date will receive a zero.


Grading Policy                                

Student Academic Scores


A - Excellent

B–Above Average

C - Average

D – Below Average

F – Failing Class

90 -100%

80 - 89%

70 - 79%

60 - 69 %

59 % or below


Grade Weights

Grades are based on weight system.  When assignments are weighted, it reflects the degree of difficulty of the assignment.


Course Requirements/Class percentage distribution:                  





Class Work










Citizenship Marks


O = Outstanding

S  = Satisfactory

N = Needs improvement

U = Unsatisfactory